The Purpose of Education
Education is a key element in our democratic society. Citizens must be educated to be active participants who will construct that society. They must be able to solve complex problems, show respect for conflicting ideas, and have a desire to grow intellectually and emotionally. Schools provide the academic foundation needed to ensure the success of every child and the betterment of our world.
The Right to Learn
Students deserve excellence! Each child brings a unique set of challenges and talents to school and educators must meet students as they are and help them become productive adults. Schools must provide an enriching curriculum that includes fine arts, ethics, wellness, and citizenship in conjunction with the core subjects.
Service to Others
School leadership is an act of service on behalf of students. Servant leaders act with integrity and fairness to build trust among students, parents, staff, and community. They collaborate with all stakeholders to provide enriched educational opportunities for every student. The best leaders also empower other individuals in the organization to recognize their own leadership potential.
“The key to surrounding yourself with other leaders is to find the best people you can, then develop them into the best leaders they can be. Great leaders produce other leaders”
– John C. Maxwell
The Pursuit of Excellence
School leaders establish a shared vision of excellence. They communicate the actions necessary to achieve high levels of success. Leaders take advantage of every opportunity to challenge the status quo, create environments that encourage innovation and collegial investigation, and apply effective supervisory practice to encourage and strengthen teachers. Leadership is key to achieving the highest level of success.
Commitment to Personal Transformation
School leaders value diversity, encourage the expression of multiple perspectives, and challenge themselves to see varying points of view. Leaders must know that what they say and do does matter. The best leaders regularly reflect on their practice, seek input from those under their charge, and demonstrate a high level of respect for self and others. This commitment of leadership to personal growth is required in a healthy organization.